+1 561 847-3242
At Amel, we are focused on developing an individualized treatment program that will give our clients a much better opportunity to maintain long term sobriety and a balanced mental health. Most mental health and substance abuse issues are rooted in unresolved trauma.
Trauma is basically a disconnection from the self even in the absence of abuse or overwhelming threat. These traumatic events usually happen during our formative years. (First 10 years of our lives). We go through life “ignoring” them or developing defense mechanisms to deflect them or project them with serious consequences that we tent to minimize by blaming others or compensating that void with unhealthy behaviors.
If you’re not ready for Intensive Outpatient treatment please see one fo these four resources that can best help you.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a great fellowship full of care for the very problems you're having.
Not looking for treatment and just need a drug frwee safe house? Try FARR.
If FARR doesn't work out you can always try NARR. One of the 2 will help you!