+1 561 847-3242
Helping others to a life of recovery and sobriety is our passion. Our intensive outpatient addiction services will more than help you to discover the truth about life. Unlock your potential today!
Is to serve the Spanish speaking population here in South Florida helping them to recover from addiction.
To strengthen the Spanish-speaking addiction recovery fellowship by catering to their specific needs.
With over 35 years of experience, our team is here to help you restore, rejuvenate, and recover from drug and alcohol addiction. You do not have to face it all alone. Even the best of us needs help sometimes, and this is that time for you!
If you’re not ready for Intensive Outpatient treatment please see one fo these four resources that can best help you.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a great fellowship full of care for the very problems you're having.
Not looking for treatment and just need a drug frwee safe house? Try FARR.
If FARR doesn't work out you can always try NARR. One of the 2 will help you!